Creating online and offline interaction.
Technology is everywhere nowadays; in the events industry it is no different. A lot of the speakers we meet use technology to engage people and create involvement. All visitors have smartphones so using apps is the obvious choice. This way a lot of information gets harvested in a short period of time and results shown in real time on different screens.
But, don’t we lose the offline interaction by using all this online stuff?
This is something we often see. Putting all your eggs in the “online basket” forgetting about the face to face interaction. An easy way to avoid this pitfall is plan for offline interaction. Schedule for example two sessions with online interaction at the beginning of the event and move than into an offline session. Ask people to turn off their devices and encourage them to talk and discuss. Create a brainstorm session, use old school methods such as pen and paper.
Give the attendees the opportunity to share their thoughts about the subject of the morning sessions. This way content will sink in more and stick into people’s minds. The right mix between an online and offline experience will maximize the ROI of your event.
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