Post by: Erwin Dielens in Tips
Time to learn how you can switch to a successful online conference or meeting. Over the years, I have given a few presentations to corporate marketing or event managers, students and business owners. One of the first slides says in big and bold: “Cancel all events!” It appears people forgot the underlying message. “Cancel all events, if they don’t have…

Post by: Graziella Tucci in Geen categorie
1. Boost your business! In this fast-moving and high demanding world, a professional environment can be stressful. A team-building allows stepping away from this situation briefly. Choosing the right team building at an offsite location will have a positive effect on your team, refreshing the core values of the organization, reinforcing the strength of the team and tackling the weaknesses.…

Post by: Erwin Dielens in Tips
Technology is everywhere nowadays; in the events industry it is no different. A lot of the speakers we meet use technology to engage people and create involvement. All visitors have smartphones so using apps is the obvious choice. This way a lot of information gets harvested in a short period of time and results shown in real time on different…

Post by: Erwin Dielens in Tips
As the year is gradually coming to an end. It's very important you take out time to thank your employees, partners, vendors, and customers for their commitment and trust during the end of the year. Are you going to organize a staff party or customer event or are you planning a business kick-off at the beginning of next year? With…

Post by: Erwin Dielens in Tips
From beginner to successful event planner Breaking a sweat when you are asked to put an event on its feet for your company or organization? Don’t worry! Every successful event planner has started out somewhere. We will give you seven tips to develop rapidly into a successful event planner. 1. Gain experience No experience in organizing an event? You can…

Post by: Erwin Dielens in Tips
Go for a memorable (e) meeting, incentive or conference Are you organizing an event, meeting, incentive or conference with your business or organization soon, but you don’t know how to start? Here are 10 tips to help you on your way to make your next event a hit. Your guests are often a barrel full of knowledge and expertise. Do…